Isn't it pretty sitting in the valley with the
snow all around?
This is the best hotel in our town. I highly
recommend staying here if you visit north
eastern Tennessee. Just call 1-423-743-4100
to make your reservation.
We are one hour north of Asheville, NC off
Interstate 26. The hotel is at exit 40.
This is one of the mountains that surround
the hotel. The Nolichucky River flows in
the back at the edge of this land.
I love this shot. I took this as my 'Florida
driving only' son took me up a mountain
in his Izusu Rodeo, and it is NOT 4-wheel
drive. Scary? YES
This is the Clinchfield Railroad Credit
Union. I love how they made the bank
look like it is part of the railroad.
This is the mountain behind the high
school. I love how it fills up with snow.
This was taken looking out at the Little
League Field and the mountains that
the Nolichucky River runs by.